Corporate Photography
Corporate Photographers in Los Angeles and Bass Lake
“Whether Business or Personal, Everyone Needs Great Photography”
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You deserve to have the best for your Corporate Event. Therefore, have your event photographed by Photography and Video by Zarek with our candid photojournalistic style. We will capture the pure emotion of this special event in a very unobtrusive manor.
Are you having a ribbon cutting, a company holiday party, fund raiser, awards ceremony, a blowout Gala, political event, etc.? It is important to have professional photographs of your event. The reason is because they are testimonies to what your company stands for, the quality of what you do, as well as how you function as a team. This is a great way to promote business, attract clients to your business, or just showcase the company. Using professional photographs and videos are also a great marketing tool for your business.
Spruce up your website, marketing, and online rankings with great corporate videos. Target your market with these custom created and edited videos. We will shoot them and then optimize them so you can link them to your YouTube, Facebook and other social media.
Our amazing Corporate Event packages include an unlimited number of pictures taken. They you can decide if you prefer an album or all the high resolution digital images. If you want an album package, we edit and individually color and tonal balance all your images to perfection. Then the album photographs will be bound in a custom album in the style and design of your choice. Enjoy your images with our password protected online client gallery to share with your employees, friends, colleagues, etc. Maybe you prefer a package with all the high-resolution images? These also will be edited, individually color and tonal balanced to perfection. Then we will make them available via Dropbox. Or, if you wish, you may provide a flash drive for easy transfer and storage.
We want you to love your photographs and cherish your memories….forever. Contact us today.
Some of our wonderful corporate clients include: